I have a peach tree that produces the most delicious peaches. And even though I “knock off” the excess peaches as a farmer taught me, I still get a tremendous number of peaches. I freeze and can gallons of peaches, enjoy fresh peaches every day while they last, and give away buckets of peaches. And unless you’ve had one, you can’t imagine how good a tree-ripened peach is.

Since I was eating several peaches every day, I started experimenting with which flavor combinations I like best with peaches. (Yes, I suffer for my art.) And I found that I really enjoyed a dab of mascarpone cheese on a peach. Not hard to guess what came next: Peach and Mascarpone Cheese Pie! Enjoy!
The Inside Scoop
If you are using fresh peaches, you will need to remove the skins and pits. To remove the skins, place batches of fresh peaches in boiling water for 30 seconds. Use a slotted spoon to remove the peaches and then place them in a tub or sink filled with enough ice water to completely cover all of the peaches. This will prevent the peaches from cooking. Once all of the peaches have been blanched and chilled, cut the peaches vertically in half and slip the skins off- the skins will fall off. Use a spoon to remove the pit and clean up the inside of the peach. Place in a resealable plastic bag and remove as much air as possible. If you are using a food storage container, cover the peaches with plastic wrap to prevent exposure to air, put the cover on the container and then refrigerate until ready to use. Air will gradually turn the peaches brown. I have never found it necessary to use any chemicals or lemon juice to keep peaches from turning brown; I just clean them with water and keep them away from air.
Please see Pie Crust or Gluten Free Pie Crust for directions on how to make the pie crust dough. For extra flavor, substitute peach brandy or peach schnapps for the vodka.
After your pie crust has chilled, divide the crust roughly in half, with slightly more crust dough for the bottom crust. Reserve a small amount of dough and roll it out into a long rope. If necessary, you can roll out several shorter ropes. Wet the rim of your pie plate and press the rope of dough onto the rim. This will prevent your pie crust from shrinking away from the edge.

Roll out the bottom crust on a generously floured surface. This is a very soft, flaky pie crust and will tear if handled roughly. If you can, roll the bottom crust onto your rolling pin and unroll it into the pie plate. Since my rolling pin is marble, which maintains a cool surface, I cannot do this because it is too heavy to do this without ruining the crust. If you cannot roll your crust onto your rolling pin, fold your crust in half and then fold again in half, slide it into your pie plate and gently unfold. If your pie crust tears, simply overlap the two sides of the tear and press gently.
Make your pie crust fit your pie plate by gently pressing the edges of the crust INTO the pie plate rather than pressing the bottom of the crust outward. This will reduce shrinkage. Chill the bottom crust while you make the filling.
Make the filling as directed in the recipe. If the filling is warm, chill it before pouring it onto the bottom pie crust.
On a generously floured surface, roll out the top crust and place it on top of the filling by either rolling it onto the rolling pin or folding it in fourths. Gently press the top and bottom crust and the rope of crust dough together. Use a knife to remove any dough that hangs off the rim of the pie plate. Use a sharp knife to “knock up” the edge of the crust: Make quick horizontal cuts into the crust. This allows more air into the crust, which results in a lighter, flakier crust edge.

Then use your fingers to scallop the edge of the pie crust.

Decorate the top of your crust any way you like. I used the leftover dough to make dough “peaches.” This is also a good way to hide any tears.

To make the dough peaches, combine the scraps of dough from trimming the crusts, and roll out into a thin sheet on a generously floured surface. Use a 1″ or 1 1/2″ round cookie or biscuit cutter to cut out circles. Each peach will take 2 circles of dough. Cut one circle of dough evenly into 3 parts; remove the middle part, turn the 2 outside pieces back to back, place a dab of water on the end of one part and gently press the other part on top. Use a dab of water to dampen the back of the other circle of dough, press the leaves to the back of the dough peach and press the finished dough peach onto the top of the pie crust. (see picture above). Repeat to make as many dough peaches as desired. Cut 4 small slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape, brush the top crust with an egg wash and sprinkle the top crust with sugar, if desired.
Before placing your pie in the oven, place a baking sheet large enough to catch any filling that may boil out of the pie, into the oven and preheat the oven to 375 degrees. The preheated baking sheet will prevent the dreaded “soggy bottom.”
For a deep dish pie, bake 60 – 70 minutes. Check your pie after 40 minutes. If the edge of the crust is beginning to brown, cover the edge with strips of aluminum foil. Continue baking until filling begins to bubble or drip onto the baking sheet, but no more than 70 minutes.

Let the pie cool completely before slicing to allow the filling time to become set. Use a sharp knife to separate the edge of the crust from the rim of the pie plate.

A delicious peach pie enhanced with creamy mascarpone cheese that can be made with a tender, flaky wheat-based or gluten-free crust. Crust: Prepare pie crust dough, using the original wheat or gluten free pie crust recipe. Use peach schnapps or peach brandy instead of vodka. Chill for at least 15 minutes. When ready to use, divide the pie crust dough into approximately half, with slightly more dough for the bottom crust. Use a small amount of dough to make a long rope of dough that will go around the rim of the pie plate. Wet the lip of the rim with water or peach flavored alcohol and press this rope onto the rim of the pie plate. On a generously floured surface, use a rolling pin to roll out the bottom crust to approximately 1 ½” larger than the width of the top of the pie plate. Carefully fold the bottom crust in fourths; place the pie crust in the pie plate so that the point of the fold is in the center of the bottom of the pie plate. Unfold and gently press into place, pressing the crust into the middle of the pie plate to fit. If the crust rips, press the tear together and smooth. Use a knife to trim off any dough that extends beyond the outer rim of the pie plate. Reserve the trimmings. Chill while you make the filling. Peach Pie Filling: When you are ready to make the filling, place a large, rimmed baking sheet in the middle of the oven. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. If you are using peach halves, slice each half into thirds or fourths, according to the size of the peach. Place the sliced peaches in a large bowl. Set aside. Place the sugar and cornstarch in a medium size saucepan; stir to combine. Add the mascarpone cheese. Add approximately ¼ of the prepared peaches. Heat slowly over medium-low heat until mascarpone cheese has melted and filling just begins to boil. Stir frequently to prevent ingredients from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan. Once the mascarpone has melted and the filling just begins to boil, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the filling over the remaining peaches in the bowl. Gently stir to combine. Chill. Pour the filling into the prepared pie plate. On a generously floured surface, roll out the top crust so that it extends ½” - 1" beyond the rim of the pie plate, depending on how high your filling is mounded. Carefully fold the crust in fourths and place on top of the pie with the point of the fold in the middle. Unfold the top crust. If the crust tears, press the tear together and smooth. Press the 3 layers of pie crust (rope, edge of bottom crust and edge of top crust) together gently. Use a knife to trim off any crust that extends beyond the outer rim of the pie plate. “Knock up” the edge of the crust by using a sharp knife to quickly make small horizontal cuts into the side of the pie crust. Use your fingers to scallop the edge. To Make the Peach Decorations: Press together the remaining scraps of dough and, on a generously floured surface, use the rolling pin to roll out a thin sheet of dough. Use a round 1” or 1 ½” cookie or biscuit cutter to cut out circles. Each “peach” requires 2 circles of dough. Set 1 circle of dough aside for the body of the peach. With the other circle of dough, cut the dough into 3 equal parts. Remove the middle section and set aside to be combined with other scraps of dough. Turn the 2 remaining sections back-to-back to resemble the leaves of a peach. With your finger, dab a drop of water onto the point where the leaves join. Dab another drop of water onto the top of this point and press it to the back of the other circle of dough. With your finger, dampen the backside of the dough “peach” and place it on top of the pie crust where desired. Repeat to make as many “peaches” as desired. Cut four 1” slits into the top crust to allow steam to escape. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg and 1 t. of water. Use a pastry brush to brush the egg wash onto the top crust. Sprinkle the top crust with additional sugar, if desired. Place the prepared pie in the oven on the preheated baking sheet. After 40 minutes, check if the edge of the crust is browning. If it is, cover the edge of the crust with aluminum foil to prevent excessive browning. Bake for a total of 60 to 70 minutes or until the filling begins to bubble. Remove from the oven and place the pie onto a cooling rack. Let the pie cool completely to allow the filling to set. Before serving, use a knife to loosen the edge of the pie crust from the rim of the pie plate. Enjoy!Peach and Mascarpone Cheese Pie

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