I tried Connie’s diabetic muffins
I tried Connie’s diabetic muffins at the Renaissance fair on Saturday and they were delicious!
I know Connie through Pokémon

I know Connie through Pokémon Go, of all things. She and I both share a love of baking and Renaissance Festivals. I’ve had the opportunity to have many of her gluten free and vegan creations. She is an absolute genius when it comes to creating insanely delicious baked goods that can meet just about any dietary need. Most people turn up their noses at a gluten free muffin. Not Connie’s! Her baking is just that good!
I made a lemon cake recently. It was from a box mix, embarrassingly, but I have a gluten free person in my home and it’s just easier. I used a trick that Connie taught me to doll it up. It came out so good. It was so moist. Thank you Connie!
I met Connie in a

I met Connie in a class at the local gym where she regaled us with tales of her journey in baking – both the successes and the failures. Soon I became one of the chosen few ‘tasters’, an honor that wrecked havoc on my diet. What impresses me most about Connie’s concoctions is her insistence on quality. She will go through dozens of iterations until she gets it PERFECT, not just pretty good. Since she began her involvement in historic British bakes, Connie has ventured into unusual ingredients – at least unusual to our 21st C experience. I look forward to reading more of her blogs.