This is a delicious vegan lemon cake, layered with raspberry or blueberry jam and almond whipping cream and topped with a lemon frosting. The almond whipping cream is now available in a can and is a wonderful convenience!

See also: Gluten Free Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Buttercream Frosting.
The Inside Scoop:
When both volumetric and weight measures are provided, the volumetric measures should be considered approximations. The standard measure for a cup of sugar, as stated on the package of sugar, is 192 grams. By volume, this measure will be less than 1 cup. Precise measuring is very important with vegan baking; as little as a teaspoon of liquid can be the difference between a successful cake and one that collapses.
My husband and I are now “empty nesters,” therefore, I usually make only half cakes. However, I have included the measurements for a full cake. Half or full, both ways are delicious.
Canned almond whipped cream is a new and wonderful convenience. However, be sure to shake the can vigorously and often so that the whipped cream dispenses smoothly.
This cake tends to stick to the pans, so you will need to line the bottom of your cake pans with parchment paper. To do so, place the bottom of the cake pans on top of the parchment paper. Use a marker to draw around the bottom of the cake pans. Remove the pans and cut out the circles, cutting inside the marker line. Spray or grease the cake pans. Then line the bottom of the pans with parchment paper, placing the circles upside down, so there is no trace of the marker on the cake.
This is a high-rising cake and tend to domes. It is important that the layers be level, so that they do not slide apart. To level the cakes, either use a cake leveler, or use a ruler to measure up from the bottom the part of the cake that is to be removed. Use toothpicks to mark where the domed part of the cake is to be removed. Be sure to measure both layers the same way. Then use a long knife to slice off the excess dome, using the toothpicks as guides for where to slice. Be sure to keep the part you remove- this is the “baker’s treat!”

To split each layer in half, measure the height of the layers after any excess doming has been removed. The layers should be identical in height. Measure the height of the layers and divide by 2; this will be the middle of the cake. Then measure up from the bottom and use toothpicks to mark the middle of the cake. Use a cake leveler or a very long knife to slice each layer in half, using the toothpicks as guides for where to slice.

If making only half a cake, be sure to slice the layers vertically before separating.

This cake is wonderful with either raspberry or blueberry jam. Spread the bottom layer with either 2 tablespoons (for a half cake) or 4 tablespoons (for a full cake) of jam, stopping about 1/2″ from the edge of the cake. Do not spread to the edge of the cake; it will leak out and make a mess.

Refrigerate the cake until the jam has set so the layers do not sift on soft jam. Then, use canned whipped almond cream and pipe onto the jam, leaving 1/2″ between the whipping cream and the edge of the cake.

Place the bottom half of the first layer, bottom side up, on top of the whipped cream, and top with frosting.

Continue layering, refrigerating, and frosting until the cake is fully assembled.

A delicious vegan lemon cake with a jam and almond whipped cream filling and a lemon frosting. Works equally well with raspberry or blueberry jam- just pick your favorite flavor of jam! In a large bowl stir together the first 6 ingredients. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine the water, canola oil, lemon juice and lemon extract; mix well. Pour into the well in the dry ingredients and mix until smooth. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour or up to overnight. After refrigeration, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line the bottom of one (for a half cake) or two (for a full cake) 9” round cake pans with parchment paper and lightly grease the pans, including the sides, with vegetable shortening or non-stick cooking spray. Remove the batter from the refrigerator; mix thoroughly until batter is smooth and air has been incorporated. Pour the batter in the prepared cake pans. Bake at 350° for 40+ minutes. Insert a metal cake tester (not a toothpick) in the middle of the cake to test for doneness. Once done, remove the pans from the oven and place on cooling racks for 10-15 minutes. After 10-15 minutes, remove the cakes, with the parchment paper, from the pans and place on the cooling racks. Cool completely. While the cake is cooling, use a small saucepan to warm the raspberry or blueberry jam over low heat until the jam can be stirred smooth and is easy to spread. To Assemble: It is very important that the cake layers be level. If the cake has domed, use a cake leveler to remove the top of each layer until the cake is fairly level. If a cake leveler is not available, measure the height desired for both layers and use toothpicks to mark the domed part to be removed. Using the toothpicks as guides, use a long knife to slice off the domed part of the cake. (I call this part “the baker’s proof” as I snack on it!) Split each layer in half to make a total of 4 layers. To do so, measure the height of each cake layer and divide by 2; this will be the middle of each cake layer. Measure up to the middle of the cake; use toothpicks to mark the middle. Using the toothpicks as guides, use a cake leveler or a long knife to slice the layer(s) horizontally in two. If making a half cake, cut the cake layer vertically in half. Carefully lift off the top half of each layer (a large spatula will make this easier); place one top half on a piece of waxed paper dusted with powdered sugar. Place the other top half, top side down, onto a cake plate. For a half cake, spread 2 tablespoons of prepared raspberry or blueberry jam on the bottom layer of the cake. For a full cake, spread 4 tablespoons of jam on the bottom layer. Spread up to ½” from the edge. Refrigerate until the jam is set. While the jam is setting, make the frosting: Place the all-vegetable shortening and powdered sugar is a medium bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer; mix together by hand or on the lowest speed of the stand mixer. Once the powdered sugar and shortening have combined, increase the speed of the stand mixer or use a hand mixer to mix until smooth; add the lemon juice and continue mixing until frosting is spreadable. Add a teaspoon or more of lemon juice, if necessary, to make a firm, but spreadable frosting. Once the jam has set, shake the can of almond whipping cream thoroughly and pipe a layer of whipped cream on top of the jam, again stopping ½” from the edge of the cake. Use a knife to smooth the whipping cream. Place the bottom half of this first layer, bottom side up, on top of the whipped almond cream. Carefully (so the layers do not shift) spread 1/3 cup (for a half cake) or 2/3 cup (for a full cake) of frosting on top of this layer. Place the bottom half of the second layer of cake, bottom side down, on top of this. In the same manner as before, spread raspberry or blueberry jam on this layer; refrigerate until jam is set. Once the jam has set, pipe the almond whipping cream on top of the jam in the same manner as before. Top with the remaining layer of cake, top side up. Use the remaining frosting to frost the top of the cake. Store in the refrigerator. Enjoy!Vegan Lemon Cake with Raspberry Jam and Almond Whipped Cream Filling and Lemon Frosting

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