I haven’t entered any new posts for almost 2 months because I have been so busy with the Virginia Renaissance Faire. Before the Faire begins, I help with grounds clean-up, painting, repairs and whatever needs to be done. And I take “Renaissance classes:” the Virginia Renaissance Faire provides an amazing amount of training for cast members and any vendors or crew who wish to improve their Renaissance appearance. Then during the Faire, which begins Mother’s Day weekend, I have a bakery stand, which means I’m baking like crazy during the week.
This year, my Renaissance language classes paid off- I did presentations on our Discovery stage about baking during the Renaissance. (So, have YOU ever baked in a casket? This is just one of the baking topics I touch on.) And I have a teeny tiny artist who lives in a box that I carry in my pouch and who can paint pictures instantly (i.e., my cell phone). So I like to take pictures and videos when possible and to share pictures from others. So this post is devoted to scenes from the 2019 Virginia Renaissance Faire. Most of the pictures were taken either by me or Sherry Loy and Kevin Hedgecock, VaRF Green Knights and photographers. Please enjoy and I hope to see you next year at the 2020 Virginia Renaissance Faire!
Our Queen Elizabeth, preparing to make children Knights or Ladies of the Realm.At age 3, our youngest cast member is Lady Arbella. This is her third year as a member of the Virginia Renaissance Faire.The Hoard came to play twice in 2019.Jousting!And yes, as often happened during the Renaissance, one of our jouster’s is a woman.Another jouster: the Lady jouster’s husband! Bet they have interesting conversations at home.Visitors come in many styles.A militia member, getting ready for cannon practice.Making a wooden bowl.Our weaver.One of the minstrels.Practicing with the militia.One of our Green Knights, with a friendly reminder.A Nobleman at the Court of Common Pleas.Townsfolk!At the Court of Love.Jousting!A visitor petting one of the alpacas.Vixens en Guard with a visitor to our shire.The Rogues! A Celtic band.Two of our noble ladies and a visitor.A scene from Stella’s Circus.Another scene from Stella’s Circus.Mistress Hilly, a militia goodwife, hard at work demonstrating at her kitchen.Bubbles!Townsfolk.A noble woman, making a case at the Court of Common Pleas.Our townsfolk, dancing as they greet visitors.Lord Burghley, at the Court of Common Pleas.Stella’s Circus.More bubbles!Fire Dancer!Once a Noble, always a Noble, even if you have been away for many years.A Noble Woman, practicing one of the women’s arts.Making dolls with Granny Sheppard.Another townsfolk.Sibling Rivalry performs!It’s the pillory for witches!Our Master of the Horse, with his horse.A visitor dances during a performance by The Rogues!Running the gamut with the Militia.The Queen and some of her Nobles, preparing to dance.Of course, visiting Amazonian Princesses must become Ladies of the Realm.Lady Lennox and a visiting Noble Woman.En Guard!Lots of Swords!One of the Queen’s Hounds, waiting to Course. While Jousting is the sport of Kings, Greyhound Coursing is the sport of Queens.Our minstrels.More Bubbles!And more swords!Families learning about map reading, ships and sailing.A member of the Hoard.Johnny Strum, with Token Entertainment and some members of Scales and Crosstones, performing during the Tavern Sing.And at the end of the day, Lady Arbella, a potential rival for the throne, needs to rest while her mother and governess watch over her.The Queen.
Glenn Holliday
June 30, 2019 at 11:29 pmConnie,
I’m happy to see so much great stuff on your site. My own testimonial is that I always bring money to buy a loaf from you at lunch time.
Connie Teunis
July 22, 2019 at 7:37 pmGlenn, I am so glad you enjoy the Faire! And thank you for patronage- I try very hard to provide outstanding baked goods.