I meant to have this recipe ready BEFORE Easter, but I was asked to bring the dessert for our family Easter get-together. To me, it is important to show what the baked good looks like on the INSIDE as well as the outside, so I needed to wait to take the pictures of the inside of the cake until after Easter dinner. However, this recipe is still timely: Many homes have a lot of sugar-hyped kids and parents tired of cleaning chocolate off everything. Also, many stores have after-Easter sales on candy (after Easter is always a great time to buy those peanut butter cream eggs). And if you don’t celebrate Easter, any day is a great day to enjoy peanut butter and chocolate. So Enjoy!
By the way, the Peanut Butter Cream Filled chocolate candies and the peanut butter malt balls were added for a “Showstopper” appearance. This cake is amazing without the extra candies.

When both volumetric and weight measures are provided, the volumetric measures should be considered approximations. The standard measure for a cup of flour is 120 grams. By volume, this measure will typically be less than 1 cup. When baking, it is always best to use a food scale to measure dry ingredients, especially flour. However, if you don’t have a food scale, sift the flour three times, then spoon the flour into a measuring cup and use the flat edge of a knife to level it off. This should result in a cup of flour that weighs about 120 grams.
This is a very moist cake and tends to stick to the cake pans. To prevent this, line the bottoms of the cake pans with parchment paper. To do so, place the cake pans on the parchment paper. Use a permanent marker to trace around the bottom of the cake pans. Cut out the circles by cutting inside the pens marks. Spray the cake pans with non-stick cooking spray and then place the parchment paper on the bottom of each cake pan. With this cake, be sure to spray the parchment paper as well, to prevent the cake from sticking to the paper.

With the baking cocoa, be sure that cocoa is the ONLY ingredient. Do NOT use Dutch processed cocoa. This type of cocoa has been treated with an alkalizing agent to reduce the cocoa’s natural acidity. When Dutch processed cocoa is combined with baking soda, it typically produces a soapy taste.
A small amount of coffee is added to the cake batter and chocolate frosting to enhance the chocolate flavor.
With this cake, it is important to incorporate as little air into the batter as possible. Rather than creaming the butter with the sugar, all dry ingredients, including the sugar, are combined. If the brown sugar is lumpy, be sure to break up the clumps. Then make a well in the middle of the flour mix. The wet ingredients will be poured into the well. The well increases the likelihood of all dry ingredients being moistened evenly, and reduces the likelihood of any dry flour on the bottom of the mixing bowl.

When baking, eggs usually need to be room temperature. Cold eggs can result in a lumpy batter and heavy texture. To quickly bring eggs to room temperature before cracking, place eggs in a bowl of warm (not hot) water for 10 minutes.
Crack eggs into a small bowl before adding to the batter. That way, it is easy to remove any bits of eggshell or bloody eggs.
A large egg should weigh about 50 grams. This recipe requires 2 eggs, which should have a combined weight of about 100 grams. However, with the current egg shortage due to Avian Flu, I sometimes find a few much smaller eggs mixed into the carton of Large Eggs. (One time, I found a Peewee Size egg in my carton of Large eggs. Peewees weigh only 35 grams!) I have included the weight of 2 Large eggs, so that, if necessary, extra eggs can be added or larger eggs can be used. To measure out the correct amount of eggs, break eggs into a small bowl and whisk, then pour out the amount needed for this cake and store any extra egg for other uses.
When making this cake, it is important to incorporate as little air as possible. I quickly realized that using an electric mixer, or even whisking vigorously by hand, was causing too much air to be incorporated, because the cake would rise tremendously while baking, then deflate tremendously while cooling.
To avoid incorporating too much air into the batter, put the butter in a microwave-safe bowl and melt the butter in a microwave, then add the peanut butter and melt the butter and peanut butter together. Add all the remaining wet ingredients except the eggs. If the butter/peanut butter mix begins to set, melt it in the microwave again slightly. Add the eggs to the wet ingredients just before pouring into the well in the flour mix.
At this point, GENTLY fold the wet and dry ingredients together. Do not incorporate excess air. Tap the filled cake pans on the counter top a few times to level the layers and reduce the amount of incorporated air even more.
A food scale is very helpful for measuring how much cake batter to put in each pan. Each pan should hold about 24 ounces of cake batter.

If possible, use a metal cake tester (I use a metal kebab skewer) to test for doneness. Metal cake testers are more accurate that toothpicks. Put the cake pans on cooling racks for 10-15 minutes.

After 10-15 minutes, run the flat side of a knife around the edge of the baked cake to loosen it from the cake pan, then remove the cake, with the parchment paper still attached, and place on a cooling rack. The parchment paper will prevent the cake layers from sticking to the cooling racks and will prevent the cooling racks from leaving marks on the cake layers..

Once the cake cools, place some of the Peanut Butter Cream Filled Eggs (if you are using them) on a cutting board and chop into approximately ½” pieces.

Make the peanut butter frosting. Place one cake layer, top side down, on a cake plate; remove the parchment paper. Then spread all of the peanut butter frosting on this layer.

If you are adding peanut butter cream eggs, gently press them into the peanut butter frosting.

Then top with the second cake layer.
Make the chocolate frosting and spread on the top and sides of the cake. Be sure to press the chocolate frosting into any gaps between the bottom and top layers of the cake. And then finish with the chopped peanut butter cream eggs and malt balls. Instead of using malt balls, you can add more peanut butter cream eggs around the top of the cake and the bottom of the cake, if you prefer.

A rich chocolate and peanut butter cake filled with peanut butter frosting and topped with chocolate frosting. Want to make this cake a "Showstopper"? Chop peanut butter cream filled chocolate eggs, and fill the middle and top with them. Then circle the cake with peanut butter malt balls and enjoy all the "Wows!" when others see your cake! For the Optional Peanut Butter Cream Eggs: Method 1: Buy peanut butter cream filled chocolate eggs (e.g., Reeses). Method 2: Place melting chocolate in a slow cooker. Heat until chocolate is soft enough to stir smooth. Turn off the slow cooker when not actively using the chocolate so that the chocolate doesn’t burn. “Paint” the inside of the egg or other candy mold with chocolate. Refrigerate until firm. In a medium bowl, combine the butter, peanut butter, corn syrup, and powdered sugar; beat until smooth. Fill the hardened chocolate shell with the peanut butter cream filling. Leave enough room for more chocolate to cover the “bottom” of the egg or other mold. Spoon the melted chocolate onto the cream filling, being sure to completely fill the mold. Tap the filled mold several times on the countertop to remove any air bubbles and to ensure there are no gaps in the chocolate shell. Place in the refrigerator and chill until firm. Once firm, remove from the refrigerator. Place 3-4 layers of newspaper on a table; cover with 2 layers of waxed paper. Pop or tap the filled chocolate eggs out of the mold onto the waxed paper. With a very sharp knife, trim off any excess chocolate and place the excess chocolate back in the slow cooker to melt. Repeat until all of the filling has been used. Method 3: You can also make the peanut butter cream chocolate candy without a mold. Line a small baking sheet with plastic wrap. Spread a very thin layer of melted chocolate on the plastic wrap; place the baking sheet in the refrigerator until firm. Cover the chilled chocolate with a half inch layer of peanut butter cream. Top the peanut butter cream with more melted chocolate and refrigerate until firm. Use the plastic wrap to lift the chocolate peanut butter cream candy off the baking sheet and place on 3-4 layers of newspaper topped with 2 layers of waxed paper.. Cut the candy into approximately ½” chunks. Method 3 is faster than Method 2 and does not require any molds. However, with Method 2, if all the peanut butter cream candy is not used, you will have wonderful candy eggs to eat or give. To Make the Cake: Cut out two circles of parchment paper to fit in the bottoms of two 9” round cake pans. Spray the cake pans with non-stick cooking spray. Line the bottoms of the cake pans with the parchment circles. Spray the parchment circles with non-stick cooking spray; set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place an oven rack in the middle of the oven. Place the butter in a medium/small mixing bowl. Place in microwave and heat on thaw/low power setting until butter melts. Add the peanut butter; return to microwave and heat on thaw/low power until peanut butter melts. Whisk together; set aside. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, brown sugar, granulated cane sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the middle of the flour mix; set aside. To the butter mix, add the buttermilk, coffee, water, and vanilla. Gently stir together. If the butter mix solidifies, return it to the microwave for a few seconds until the butter mix is again melted but not hot. Add the eggs; gently stir together. Pour the butter/buttermilk mixture into the well in the flour mixture. Gently fold together to avoid adding air to the mixture. Pour 24 ounces/ 680 grams of batter into each prepared cake pan. Tap the cake pans gently 3-4 times on the countertop to level the batter and reduce excess air bubbles. Place cake pans in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, until a cake tester, when inserted into the middle of the cake, comes out clean. Remove cake pans from the oven and place on cooling racks for 10-15 minutes. Then run the flat side of a knife around the inner edge of each cake pan to loosen the cake. Tip the cake layers out of the cake pans, with the parchment paper still attached, and place on the cooling racks, parchment paper-side down. Cool completely. To Make the Peanut Butter Frosting: Combine all Peanut Butter Frosting ingredients in a medium/small bowl. By hand, stir together until there is no dry powdered sugar. With a hand mixer, mix until smooth. Set aside. To Make the Chocolate Frosting: Combine all Chocolate Frosting ingredients in a medium bowl. By hand, stir together until there is no dry powdered sugar. With a hand mixer, mix until smooth. Set aside. To Assemble: Place several peanut butter cream filled eggs on a cutting board; chop into approximately ½” chunks. Set aside. Place one cake layer, top side down, on a cake plate. Remove the parchment paper. Spread Peanut Butter Frosting on top. If desired, cover the frosting with the chopped peanut butter cream filled chocolates, pressing the chocolates into the frosting. Remove the parchment paper from the second cake layer. Place the second layer, top side up, on top of the peanut butter frosting. Spread the Chocolate Frosting on the top and sides, pressing the frosting into any gaps between the top and bottom layers. If necessary, chop more peanut butter cream filled chocolates and press onto the top of the cake. If desired, additional chopped chocolates can be pressed around the bottom of the cake. OR decorate the top and bottom edges with peanut butter malt balls for an extra special treat. Enjoy! Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake

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